
During this time, we are doing contactless enrollment! We are taking all enrollments over the phone. Just give us a call and let us know what you are interested in and we can let you know what dates are available.
We will need from you: your full legal name, your mailing address, the best phone number and email address to reach you, and contact information of anyone that may be paying on your behalf.
We will type this information on an Enrollment Agreement and have you sign the policies the first day of class. This enrollment will be left behind with the instructor for the staff to file in the morning.

A down payment is needed to secure your seat in the class, enrollments with out payments will be added to a waitlist. Classes are filling quick! You can make a down payment over the phone, mail out a check, or come by during office hours to make a cash payment.
Most of our class have an interest free payment plan that can be customized Per-request, but custom plans need to be approved prior to enrollment. Office staff can walk you through the options and also set you up for auto payments using our credit card system if you wish for easy contactless payments.

We will do a reminder call about one week prior to the course starting date to check in and make sure you are ready to go! Courses with books and materials included will have the books laid out on the desks the first night. Masks are strongly suggested while you are in the building. No food or open containers will be permitted during class time. Drink containers with lids are allowed.
Most of all, if you are not feeling well please contact the office and do not come to class. Make up work will be given and if needed other options can be offered by contacting the main office.
School Policies
Listed below are all our Tuition Policies, Graduation Requirements and School calendar.
Admission Requirements – Individuals that are currently in high school, graduated high school, or over the age of 18 are able to attend our classes. Students may enter any training course with no experience in the trade.
Licensing requirements are set by the State of New Hampshire; some classes may have prerequisites that may prevent enrollment. See course descriptions for a list of any requirements or prerequisites needed for enrollment.
Please contact our office if you are unsure if you meet the qualifications needed to enroll.
Beginning and Ending Dates – Each course description page will have a list of Starting and Ending dates available. These dates are subject to change at any time. Contact the office for the most up to date selection.
Enrollment Period/Add or Drop Period – Students may enroll at any time prior to the start of a new class. Students can be added up to 12 hours into the course duration, unless the course is at maximum capacity. Wait lists are available for all courses. Starting dates are subject to change at any time. Make up time may be needed for late attendees.
See Make up policies for details.
Enrollment is secured by a down payment on the account, a down payment will be requested at time of enrollment.
Withdrawal Policy - Students can withdraw from a course at any time. A letter of withdrawal is encouraged for proper dismissal and for the reimbursement process to begin.
A Letter of withdrawal can be hand written or an email to any of the school’s office personnel; Date and reason for withdrawment should be provided for proper documentation of dismissal.
See our Refund policy.
Refund Policy - All efforts shall be made to refund prepaid amounts for books, supplies and other charges unless the student has consumed or used those items and they can no longer be used or sold to new students, or returned by the school to the supplier.
All refunds shall be paid within 30 days upon written notification from a student of cancellation or withdrawal.
Federal Program Refund - Students receiving benefits from federal programs shall be subject to federal refund policies, rules and regulations
Full Refund - Any student who withdraws from the program or course before the first date of instruction is entitled for a full refund, less an administrative fee of $100.
Prorated Refund - Students who withdraw before 50% of the instructional period shall receive a prorate tuition refund with the added administrative fee, book costs, and lab fees. if applicable.
No Refund - Any student that have completed more than 50% of instruction period shall receive no refund.
If a refund has been granted, money will be returned to the payee on the account.
Students requesting a refund due to the school procured the student’s enrollment as the result of any false representations in the written materials used by the school or in oral representations made by or on the behalf of the school will receive a full refund within 30 days of the request.
Grading Policy – TNHSMT grades are based on attendance, assignments, and assessments. These factors may differ depending on the type of course. Pass or fail evaluations provided by the instructor will determine if the student will receive a certificate of completion, as well as any other requirements required by other governing bodies.
For students that may be failing the course, extra assistance can be provided per the students request, the student can choose to retake the course in effort to reach the expected level of performance.
If approved by the Director of TNHSMT, students with insufficient grades or attendance may retake the course at the next available starting date, for no additional cost, to obtain their certificate of completion.
See course descriptions for any graduation requirements.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy:
The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy is consistently applied to all students enrolled at the school, including Veterans Benefits recipients. It is printed in this catalog to ensure that all students receive a copy prior to the first day of class.
Attendance Policy: TNHSMT maintains an attendance record on each student. The school encourages 100% completion of class hours in order to receive a certificate of completion for the course, unless excused by the Director of the school. If a student has not completed the required hours, they need to arrange make up time with their instructor.
Any more than 20 hours missed, the instructor or school may dismiss the student from the course with no refund issued.
Make up Policy – Students taking courses with mandated hours are required to make up any missing hours to receive a certificate of completion. Students should contact their instructor for work to complete the mandated requirements of the course. Other related courses or events may be accepted if approved by the Director of the school.
Unless otherwise noted, all make up work needs to be submitted prior to the last date of the course to be accepted. Any missing hours may prevent a student from enrolling in any additional courses in the future.
Not all courses provided by the school are required to have mandated hours of completion.
Snow Days and Other School Cancelations – If there are any cancelations due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, the ending date of the course with be extended out to provide the intended number of hours of the course that was agreed upon.
On rare occasions, a remote assignment may be assigned to help keep the course on track with the intended ending date to prevent delays of future starting dates.
Leave of Absence - Students may request a leave of absence at any point during their studies.
In order to receive a leave of absence, a student must submit a written notice to the school explaining the reason they are not able to attend classes.
If a student fails to notify the school director of their leave of absence, the student will be dismissed for lack of attendance and will be held accountable for tuition owed to the school.
Students wishing to return to classes after a leave of absence must contact the school. The school director and student will both determine when and if the student will return to class.
Student Conduct and Conditions for Dismissal - Any student not conducting themselves in an orderly and professional manner, which includes use of drugs and alcohol during school hours, dishonesty, disrupting classes, use of profanity, excessive tardiness, insubordination, violation of safety rules, or not abiding by the school rules will lead to either probation or dismissal from classes with no refund issued.
Re-entrance after Dismissal - Any student who has been terminated for conduct or damages will not be readmitted without completing a personal interview with the school director.
Graduation Requirements - Students must complete all mandated educational hours, maintain a passing grade of 78% or higher, and have all payments completed to receive a certificate of completion for the program.
Transferability of Credit – Students will receive a certificate of completion for each course successfully completed from one or both of our facilities. These certificates may grant proof of credit that can be transferred to other schools. Transfer of credits will depend on the receiving school’s policies and curriculum.
Credit for Previous Education or Training – Completion of hours for an apprenticeship or a state licensing program may be applied if approved and accepted by the Office of Apprenticeship or the NH Office of Professional Licensure and Certification. Once confirmed, students will be placed in the qualified level of training.
Student Complaint Process - Any person who has a complaint against the school can contact our director by email, Director@tnhsmt.com. We take complaints very seriously; please leave a detailed message that includes the initial complaint, a timeline of events, people or equipment involved, and what an ideal resolution would look like for you.
Any person who has a complaint against the school who has first sought redress directly from said school through its complaint process, and said process has been completed and was found to be in favor of the school, may file a complaint with the NH Department of Education, Office of Career School Licensure by completing and submitting the online “Complaint Form”, 2015 edition at: https://my.doe.nh.gov/ESSWEB/HigherEducation/Complaint.aspx
Complaints shall be filed within 3 years of the scheduled start date of the course or program that is the subject of the complaint.
Tuition Costs and other fees – TNHSMT tuition costs include the books and lab supplies needed for class, unless otherwise stated. Courses with adjacent exams for licensing or national certification are optional and fees are separate costs.
We accept credit cards, checks, and cash as acceptable forms of payment.
Payment Plans - TNHSMT provides inhouse, no interest payment plans to all of our students and payees.
The “Total Tuition” includes tuition of the course, books (unless noted), lab materials, and registration fees.
The “Down Payment” for the course will need to be paid prior to the starting date.
“Weekly Payments” start up the first week of class, and continue for a duration of the course, as noted. Payments should be completed by the last day of the course for the student to receive the certificate of completion for the program.
Failure to comply will result in the dismissal of the student from the course.
Billing – Anyone can make a payment on the students’ behalf. If billing is requested, please provide all the necessary information needed to submit payment request or an invoice to the payee. Enrollment is secured by a down payment on the account and will need to be provided at time of enrollment. Students will be placed on a wait list until such payment has been received.
Returned Check policy - If a payment is made with a check and it is returned from the bank as dishonored, a $25 returned check fee will apply. Students are responsible to resolve these charges so that the account can be restored to good standing.
Outstanding Balances - Students with a remaining balance after the course has ended will be considered Outstanding status. Students with an outstanding balance will not receive a certificate of completion until balance has been paid in full. If the balance is not paid in a timely manner and no agreement has been made, TNHSMT will present this matter to a collection agency. Any fees accosted with this process will be added to the student’s balance.
Once in collections, TNHSMT will no longer accept payments for this account.
Reprint of Certificates: Certificates shall be issued within 30 days of the completion date of the course or program to those students who have met all of the completion requirements; including tuition payment of the applicable course of study. If a student needs to have their certificate reprinted due to loss or damage there will be a charge of $25 for a new copy. The printing process may take up to one week upon request.
Releasing Student Records - When a student signs a course enrollment agreement, they are agreeing to give The New Hampshire School of Mechanical Trades permission to release documents that allows sharing of performance with the State, federal agencies and their employer or sponsor.
Student Records:
At a minimum, a school shall maintain current, complete, and accurate student records of student and course documents in a safe and secure environment for a minimum of 3 years.
Student Social Security Numbers - Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act, “WIOA”, a federal grant, requires that we obtain information from students. The use of your social security number is requested in order to access wage and employment information through the state Unemployment Insurance wage information data base. You cannot be denied service for failure to provide your social security number although we strongly encourage you to do so in order to enable the program to determine employment-related outcomes. Your personal information will be kept confidential and secure, and will not be shared with any outside agencies other than New Hampshire Employment Security. By providing your social security number on the course enrollment sheet, you agree to participate in this initiative.
School Calendar - TNHSMT reserves the right to amend the calendar at any given time. The hours per week vary depending if the class is academic or lab. Please refer to the program’s detailed schedule.
TNHSMT operates on a non-traditional term. Weather will play a major role in actual class schedule. Classes canceled due to weather or other unfortunate circumstances are made up at the end of the program, extending the ending date of the program.
The school may close on occasion due to extended observation of holidays or inclement weather. Students can call the school, check out WMUR, Facebook, Twitter, Google or our website for all school cancellations or delays.
No classes will be held on the following days:
Tuesday, December 31st, 2024 - New Year’s Eve
Tuesday, January 1st, 2025 - New Year’s Day
Monday, May 26th, 2025 - Memorial Day
Friday, July 4th, 2025 - Independence Day
Monday, September 1st, 2025 - Labor Day
Tuesday, November 11th, 2025 - Veterans Day
Thursday, November 27th, 2025 - Thanksgiving Day
Friday, November 28th, 2025 - Thanksgiving Day (Observed)
Wednesday, December 24th, 2025 - Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 25th, 2025 - Christmas Day
Wednesday, December 31st, 2025 - New Year’s Eve
* Other holidays will be determined If they will be observed by the teacher’s discretion. Instructors will announce their decision during the previous class.